The international letter of patent and exhibition photograph. 重亿版图相簿:国际专利证书及展览相片。
Party A grants Party B an exclusive license to manufacture products by using the invention of the said letter of Patent. 甲方授予乙方独占许可证,利用上述专利证书中的发明专利制造产品。
In2006, we attained technical invention letter of patent. 2006年,获得技术发明专利证书。
Following a typical patent abuse behavior: refusal to license, malicious idle patents, patent fees overcharging, tie-ins, malicious litigation, spam warning letter, the use of technology standards patent monopoly. 以下几种为典型的专利权滥用行为:拒绝许可、恶意闲置专利、滥收专利费用、搭售、恶意诉讼、滥发警告函、利用专利进行技术标准垄断。